
vintage faith?

I'm reading An Emergent Theology for Emerging Churches (expect a review eventually). It's good so far, but the author keeps referring to "vintage" faith/theology/etc. He says he draws inspiration from Dan Kimball's Vintage Faith (as well as drawing inspiration from MacLaren ... interesting). In turn, I see that Driscoll is blogging about Vintage Church. I think maybe they're confusing "vintage" with "classic".

Maybe the problem is nascent puritanism, maybe it's living in a benighted continent where weak beer is too common; I don't know. People, "vintage" refers to the year in which a wine was produced. Average wines have a vintage every year; special wines (e.g. port --- mmmm port) only have a vintage in a year when the grapes are exceptional. Pleasant as it is to contemplate fine wines (more pleasant still, to consume them), I have absolutely no idea what these folks are trying to convey by using the word.

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