
more in sorrow

I've always had this love/hate thing with the Mark Driscoll phenomenon of Mars Hill in Seattle, and have blogged about this here, here, here (I even visited for myself), here, and probably several more. Often, my perspective has been one of wry amusement and bewilderment - and I keep resolving to avoid paying any more attention to what sometimes seems like a bizarre self-parody.

But lately, there's been a slew of rather more disturbing blogs, including

Mars Hill has also issued a Call for Reconciliation.

I suppose the latter is helpful, but, wait: how many churches of a few thousand members (or tens of thousands of members, is it now?) have sown so much discontent that they need to issue such a call?  Perhaps theirs is a righteous prophetic ministry, and the dissenters just can't handle it.  Perhaps not.

To this outsider, it seems like a change of phase, that the end game is on its way.  An organisation with this many structural tensions doesn't end well, unless you work very actively to resolve those tensions.  Driscoll has many followers, and I assume has strengthened the faith of many. Explosive fallings-out would have much fall-out. May the whole thing get unwound gently and with grace.  Lord, have mercy.

1 comment:

americanRuth said...

I was struck by this remark in a Slate article about the mess: "The question that Mars Hill members must confront is whether the atmosphere at their church is one of respect or shame." And then I read a story by a woman who had left, and there was so much fear in her story. Not awe-filled fear, but shame-filled fear.

Lord have mercy, as you say, Christ have mercy.