
Emerging politics

So here's what I don't get. At all.

The whole emerging conversation seems to be broadly aligned with the left of politics. I realise that's a loose alignment. I realise, too, that most of my reading has been from USA writers, and is therefore influenced by American political thinking. And I realise that for some decades now, USA Evangelicals have generally been associated with the right of politics. And I realise that there is something of a sea-change afoot in American politics which sees the Democratic party resurgent (in House and Senate, as well as likely presidency). And I realise that the emerging conversation is to some extent a protest movement, and it is therefore trendy to be associated with the sea-change going on in American politics. I realise that everything I have written is a gross over-simplification.

I bring a broadly right-wing persuasion to the table. In British politics right now, the church tends to be mostly associated with the left. So my own form of protest is to look to the right. But I always was a bit of a rebel.

And then there's the politics of climate change, which sometimes looks like a religion in its own right. Notwithstanding the fact that my name is on a Nature paper on the subject, I'm far from convinced. And even less convinced about all the hand-wringing and switching off of lights as a sensible response. But that certainly doesn't leave me in the camp which says we have a divine mandate to rape and pillage the earth's resources as quickly as we possibly can. Reduce--Reuse--Recycle is a great credo to be sure. But I'm probably beyond the pale in the eyes of many readers by now (if there are many readers, that is. I wish blogger told me that).

The point of this post? Much of the emerging conversation resonates for me as something which fits my thinking. The political bits really, really, don't. Is that a different continent--different politics thing, or does it go deeper?


Cindy said...

Andrew, I agree that the most visible names/audible voices in the emerging church US lean to the political left, but it isn't all across the board. I'm fairly conservative. My perspectives have changed somewhat in very recent years, but not entirely. I'm probably still more right than left. Albeit, there isn't a lot of back slapping for emerging thinkers who don't go left, but i honestly think more of us will come out of the woodwork after a time.

Andrew said...

Thanks Cindy. I don't think - from where I'm sitting - it's something to loose much sleep over. But I guess that in some parts of the USA, the political-religious alignment runs pretty deep.