

Where does my last post lead?
  1. I'm not sure. It leads me to a certain humble uncertaintly about a lot of things. In particular, on the proxmiate issue of "women's ministry", I think I can sympathize with just about every position taken by others - certainly the integrity of those who hold a particular point of view, even if I find a lot of those perspectives problematic.
  2. More generally, it leaves me concerned. Can the methodology lead to anything other than a rather nihilistic subjective relativism? Is that not problematic? It might not be, but it takes work to integrate it into my understanding of truth and God. I haven't got there yet.
  3. On the other hand, I know that it does fit into my broad understanding of God's truth: if people ask what is "allowed" and what is "commanded" by the New Testament, I always feel that they need to re-read Galatians. But I probably do, too :-).

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