A colleague of mine is a Mormon. That's prompted me to do a bit of reading. If Evangelicals can be weird at times, Mormons are sure weirder. I suppose that distrusting/disliking/fearing "the cults" has long been an article of faith for Evangelical-me: what is that going to mean for post-Evangelical me?
[Well, I learn that Glenn Beck is apparently a Mormon (apologies if I'm wrong: I have no wish to defame Mormons needlessly). That's not a good advert.]
I suppose that my point is that deciding that it's time to hold onto truth a little less tightly; deciding that a whole lot of things I've previously assumed are actually a whole lot more fluid than I might have admitted; deciding that just because St. Paul believed something doesn't mean that I have to; deciding these things doesn't mean being willing to accept just anything as reasonable.
That's sort-of obvious, of course. It doesn't make sense to replace one set of weird dogmas with a weirder set. But perhaps it needs saying anyway. And of course, it begs a question about how one decides.
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