

Hmm. Long time since the last blog. It's all about getting started, isn'it. Probably no one knows this blog is here. But that's partly good. I get to practice writing blogs without pressure. But it's bad, too, because it makes me lazy about recording my thoughts. And the point of this blog was definitely to post some thoughts about emerging things.

So, note to self: time to post comments on the books you claimed to read on holiday, Andrew.

Don Carson : Becoming conversant with the emerging church.
I can see why this upset a lot of people. It's more about Don than about the emerging church.

Donald Miller Blue like Jazz Awesome book. A kind of Christian Generation-X. Must read more Miller.

Steve Chalke The lost message of Jesus. What's controversial about that (other than that there's a lot of living up to it to be done)?

Peter Rollins How (not) to speak of God. Wow. Really out there.

Douglas Coupland Jpod. Very very odd mix of postmodern genius and clawing cuteness. Having Coupland appear as a character in the story could have worked, but didn't.

Proper reviews must follow.


Simon said...

This blog post turned up in my email via a Google Search Alert for "Steve Chalke". Just a quick "hi" from a fellow traveller. Have fun blogging! Regular listening for me includes Gerard Kelly at Crossroads International Church, Amsterdam (loads of up-to-date cultural references as well as Christian writers through the ages, his blog is also worth a read), talks from Mars Hill Bible Church (mainly Rob Bell) and the Catalyst podcast (aimed at leaders in 20s to 30s but includes loads of interesting business and church leaders being interviewed).

Sassy Shae said...

Blue Like Jazz was incredible. Yes, you must read more Miller.