
Too odd

I know that journalists are great at obfuscation. And I know that bookmakers are renowned for taking anyone's money as a bet on anything. But really, news that Paddy Power is offering odds of 4-1 that God exists, really takes the biscuit.

They say that they'll only pay out if there is independently-verified scientific evidence. What kind of evidence can that be? [hint: it's not the `God particle' Higgs Boson being sought at CERN]. It's axiomatic that there will never be scientific evidence for God's existence. There cannot be. To borrow a phrase from Alistair Campbell, science doesn't do God. It cannot. Maybe in some postmodern reconstructed notion of what science might be, it might. But then the notion of "evidence" would be changed. The whole thing, trust me, is a logical absurdity.

They say that the House always wins. Paddy Power is onto a good thing: given their definition of "exitsts", they'll never have to pay out.

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