
RYT: Bart Campolo

I've been really impressed with the short videos at Recycle Your Faith (h/t: Nick). In production values, they are reminiscent of Nooma: contemporary, sharp, and high quality. They're much shorter than Rob Bell's insights - and without quite the range of visuals or music.

Today's video is by Bert Campolo. It's well worth a look: it's not quite as radical (to evangelical ears) as it first appears, but is certainly right on the edge. I'm not sure I'd put my name to every word he says in the clip ... but I think I'm starting to come close.


John said...

That's a pretty thought-provoking video..."living as though what you hope is true, actually is true." Guess that's another way of saying, "live out your faith so it matches up to what you say you believe."

Andrew said...

John, thanks for stopping by (and for the link). Yes: there are some interesting lines in there. You might look at it as promoting some sort of universalism, but I think he's saying something more challenging than that - as in the line you quote.